Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Update 8/9/2017 Twins are 4 years 8 month

Hey everyone,

I didn't realize it has been so long since putting up a post.

The twins, Sebastian and Mila, are now nearing 5 years old and it has been quite the ride. We have a few frozen embryos still and I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to do with them. We can't have more children because it has been a struggle surviving this long! Hands are so full with them, working from home.

Mila is starting pre-k soon, I hope, and Sebastian just isn't ready. I am going to have assessments done on both of them and see what happens.

I hope all is well. Feel free to ask questions anytime.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Twins- Nearing 9 Months Old

We have relocated our family to Texas. The twins are almost 9 months old, Sebby has 4 teeth and Mila has 2. Seb also learned to clap and wave this week. Mila is scooting all over the place.  They are such happy babies and yes, a handful.

With my mommy makeover, I have slacked compared to what I am capable of, however, I am down 26 pounds. Primarily with eating right, staying active and drinking Shakeology.

More updates coming!

I am seeing a surgeon tomorrow for my cs scar complication. It has been an issue since March and I currently have a couple holes open. It's gross and needs resolved so I can move on already. I am told there is something in there... So, update to come.

Love. Peace. Prosperity.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rita's 2 Year Weight Loss Transformation vid on youtube

Rita's 2 Year Weight Loss Transformation on youtube :)

Mommy Makeover Time

For those of you that know my story, you know that I am probably panicking about excess weight.  My history involves battling weight off and on since high school.  On 9/4/2009 I underwent Duodenal Switch weight loss surgery.  After losing a hundred pounds, I reluctantly started P90X.  I was deathly afraid.  I was so out of shape and just scared.  I loved it.  I also started drinking Shakeology daily and ended up losing another 45 pounds.  See my story here:

Well now, I am on a quest to lose 50 pounds.  I started February 4, 2013 with the Beachbody Ultimate Reset which was an amazing way to start! I dropped 9 pounds with those 21 days of clean eating.  Then my husband and I started P90X (again lol) and of course we have the Shakeology in our diet.  We would have it no other way.  I am currently down approximately 12 pounds. 

You can watch me or join me!!  I help others!  I need to be able to chase these twins around!

Twitter but the best place is Facebook!

The Twins are 3 1/2 Months Old!

Whoa! Sure, I know, I know.. time flies.  I do love watching the twins learn new things and grow.  I don't miss them being tiny beebies for more reasons than them being so unbelievably tiny.  They are doing great and we sure enjoy each others time. :)

Right now they are just waking up from a little morning nap, laying next to me on our littered king size bed.  We always have our dogs on our bed so it seems much more like a twin sometimes.  I still find it hard to believe I have children let alone twins and boy girl twins.  I absolutely am aware of the blessings I have received from above.  Sigh.

The twins are now smiling a ton and carrying on baby conversations and just starting a little bit of giggling.  They go back to the doctor in a couple weeks so we will have them weighed at that time.  I am not sure what they weight right now.  But Sebastian no longer fits into newborn easily and Mila is no longer in preemie.  Ahh, milestones.

It has been much easier handling the twins sleeping and feeding schedules for the last month or so.  I am so thankful for a few things.  One being double swaddling where you use a blanket to secure their little arms primarily and then tuck them into a sleep sack.  This has helped Mila tremendously since her little arms cause so many problems with her when resting and eating.  The second thing is that the twins are now sleeping uninterrupted from about 11pm to 5 or 5:30am.  It sure helps a ton.

Nathan has discovered that babies make him tired.  He often starts falling asleep when holding and even feeding them.  True story.  With Nate's position demanding an unacceptable amount of hours, we are seeking something else to help our family out.  We want dad in our lives and not worn out, working and stressed.  Nate is seeking a life-work balance and we have our fingers crossed the change happens soon so we can move forward.

It's so amazing to be on this side of the table now.  We did our time battling infertility.  I went through a long twin pregnancy that was less than pleasant for me on many levels.  We have twins.  I can't believe it.  We love them so much and never thought it could happen.  We are 34 and 35 years old so starting late is better than never.  I was so close to never.

This picture is from when they were five weeks old and balding much like Mr Burns on the Simpsons.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We can sleep when we are dead... sure!

oh boy....

Talk about exhausting- having twins at home.  We brought Mila home about 11 days ago and she is doing great.  So is Sebby (Sebastian).  They are precious, adorable, perfect, beautiful and all those other fluffy adjectives to describe newborn miracles.  My DH and I have helped each other out with the late night feedings, changings and cries but it primarily is in my court.  Since I am now at home just four weeks after giving birth to them and he works a more than full time job here in Omaha.  I find it very hard to get much sleep even between their feedings. As you see below- they are SUPER CUTE! :)

This is how we have it laid out for the most part thanks to the guidance of those helpful RN's in the NICU at Methodist Women's Hospital:
  • wake each child slowly by changing their diapers if they are not already waking up and do so about every 3-4 hours- typically we are being told by the twins they are ready just before three hours
  • then prepare their bottles by warming them in a steam bottle warmer and feed them
This process is a good 20 minutes for the feeding as the nurses taught us that over 20 minutes of feeding is too much for newborns as they are then burning more calories than consuming.  The diaper changing, burping and getting them back to sleep could be another 20 minutes.  So, with twins we are spending about a hour or more per feeding time.  This makes it very hard to get myself back to sleep.  I am spent.  I get the baby blues thing now.  Baby blues are the mildest of the levels of sadness felt by 70-80% of new mothers.  I find myself happy one moment and sad the next.  It is just exhausting.

I love my children so much, it's just very very hard to raise them thus far.  Challenging.  I don't know about you but I hear every little coo and grunt they make so I wake easily.  I have found that their binkys can be my worst enemies and after researching the situation of them falling out of the mouths of newborns, I have decided I need to cut back on my use of them.  Pacifiers were given to them in the NICU as they are proven to increase weight gain in preemies by strengthening their sucks early on.  But, when putting them to bed and they have their pacifiers falling out of their mouths- it can become disturbing to them and fast.

Last night (Christmas Eve), Nate stayed up all night and watched the babies.  Why did he stay up all night? Because he was worried he would sleep through a feeding and he knew I needed sleep like something severe.  I actually messed up the spiral ham and the cinnamon apples I made for Christmas dinner on Sunday here at my house for my side of the family.  I was a very grouchy and irritable person that day and it was totally out of my hands and out of my control.  My husband has been working way too much: evenings, days, weekends, holidays for the most part that when he works I am expected to handle the babies both while he sleeps and while away at work.  Of course we have discussed on many occasions how this is not conducive to twin life for new parents who both want to be hands on.  This just makes things more difficult- primarily for me.  I have never felt to selfish as I type this but I am tired.  Sigh.  True story.

Tomorrow the twins are 4 weeks old.  It's crazy.  Very crazy... We spent so much time in the hospital and in the NICU that 4 weeks just flew by.  Mila was released on a Friday weighing 4 lbs 2 ounces I believe and by Monday she was 4 lbs 7 ounces.  Sebastian was at the dr that Friday and was weighed in at 5 lbs and by Monday he had plumped up to 5 lbs 9 ounces.  Their pediatrician said it was better than textbook for both of them.  We waited a full ten years ever so impatiently to start a family and this is exactly what we wanted and wouldn't trade it for the world.  We wouldn't have it any other way.  Just wish it were easier.  We look forward to them sleeping more through the night.  :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Twins Arrive in Small Packages

They are here!  
Well, in the NICU but making progress.  They arrived via c-section on Wednesday, November 28th, 2012.  We had went in for an amniocentesis the day before at my perinatal doctors office but realized that Mila was squished up under my right rib and was not growing much anymore.  We skipped the amniocentesis and went ahead with the scheduled cs the next day at noon at the Methodist Women's Hospital in West Omaha. 

When the babies were born they were:

Sebastian Marcus 4 lbs 9 ounces and 17" long, 12:22pm
Mila Lorren 3 lbs 9 ounces and 17" long, 12:23pm

They are healthy, just extremely small.  I will go ahead and blog the rest of the birth story a little later.  Time to go visit them in the NICU.

Our hearts swell.  They are absolutely amazing little turkeys! Ahhh, LOVE! I am complete.