Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Twins are 3 1/2 Months Old!

Whoa! Sure, I know, I know.. time flies.  I do love watching the twins learn new things and grow.  I don't miss them being tiny beebies for more reasons than them being so unbelievably tiny.  They are doing great and we sure enjoy each others time. :)

Right now they are just waking up from a little morning nap, laying next to me on our littered king size bed.  We always have our dogs on our bed so it seems much more like a twin sometimes.  I still find it hard to believe I have children let alone twins and boy girl twins.  I absolutely am aware of the blessings I have received from above.  Sigh.

The twins are now smiling a ton and carrying on baby conversations and just starting a little bit of giggling.  They go back to the doctor in a couple weeks so we will have them weighed at that time.  I am not sure what they weight right now.  But Sebastian no longer fits into newborn easily and Mila is no longer in preemie.  Ahh, milestones.

It has been much easier handling the twins sleeping and feeding schedules for the last month or so.  I am so thankful for a few things.  One being double swaddling where you use a blanket to secure their little arms primarily and then tuck them into a sleep sack.  This has helped Mila tremendously since her little arms cause so many problems with her when resting and eating.  The second thing is that the twins are now sleeping uninterrupted from about 11pm to 5 or 5:30am.  It sure helps a ton.

Nathan has discovered that babies make him tired.  He often starts falling asleep when holding and even feeding them.  True story.  With Nate's position demanding an unacceptable amount of hours, we are seeking something else to help our family out.  We want dad in our lives and not worn out, working and stressed.  Nate is seeking a life-work balance and we have our fingers crossed the change happens soon so we can move forward.

It's so amazing to be on this side of the table now.  We did our time battling infertility.  I went through a long twin pregnancy that was less than pleasant for me on many levels.  We have twins.  I can't believe it.  We love them so much and never thought it could happen.  We are 34 and 35 years old so starting late is better than never.  I was so close to never.

This picture is from when they were five weeks old and balding much like Mr Burns on the Simpsons.

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