Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meeting Braxton Hicks

I find contractions to be super confusing.  So many things are different than explained by doctors, other pregnant women or mothers.  I was under the assumption that contractions in general always hurt.  Not true.

A few weeks ago I found myself realizing that the odd and uncomfortable feeling I had occasionally had over the last month of so sporadically were contractions and not my babies stretching out.  Well, suddenly I was getting them every single time I bent over, stood up, got out of bed, out of a vehicle, walking- all those things would trigger them.  They didn't hurt but was more of an uncomfortable and very tight feeling.  That's when I realized I had officially met Braxton Hicks.

I did end up in Labor and Delivery and while walking in I told my mom that they probably won't happen while laying in the hospital bed.... and they didn't.  They never happen when laying on my back.  They had happened while on my side but not at the hospital.  They sent me home a hour later with physical restrictions.  I increased my water intake yet again.  (it's so hard to get so much water in me since my DS weight loss surgery)  So, here I am nearly two weeks after that little visit to L&D and they still occur but not as much.  I have to do much less walking and physical activity to control them.  Confusing.  Glad I understand what they are now!

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