Wednesday, April 4, 2012

From Menopur Through Retrieval

We are working the calendar. I can't believe how this is moving along.  Tomorrow is our transfer already. Yep, let me fill you in on what has happened over the last week.


I realized that I was in need of about 26 more vials of Menopur and Aetna was causing hoops by not honoring refills and they did not send me what I needed- they sent 40 instead of 60.  Luckily, I was helped by Dr. Doherty's office and my medicine was rushed for $2,500 ding on my insurance and $50 copay for myself.

I also did Ganirelix one evening after going to an ultrasound appointment to find out the size of the follicles. We were looking at six on the right side and seven on the left. They were 11-12 in size and needed to be near 18.  The Ganirelix caused a injection site reaction and was not much more than just annoying.

Friday, March 31, 2012: Trigger Shot HCG

This shot is the most time sensitive and the most important. I had to do it at 10pm.

Monday, April 2nd 2012: Retrieval

Nathan and I had Nate's dad bring us to our appointment. Due to Nate's lack of vas deferens he must do a testicular biopsy to extract sperm.  Today was the day to retrieve eggs with me put under and Nate in an outpatient procedure doing a testes biopsy for sperm.  This would be the first time his sperm and my eggs would meet.  They have been probably screaming that they couldn't get out all these years!  Retrieval went well for both of us.

We ended up 11 eggs retrieved.  I would receive a call each day on the quantity, quality and status of the eggs.  Day 1: 10 out of 11 fertilized on their own and were considered grade a by day 2

I have been doing the Progesterone in Oil shots and those are NOT fun. I can handle injecting the needle but its had to twist around like I want to.  The oil is so thick that I have to have Nate now push in the plunger.  It hurts the next day and then for a few days after. Ugh. I just researched that some sit the vial in warm water a little while before injecting so I am going to try that today. Yup. Anything to ease the bruising feeling I get with each PIO shot that I have to repeat through the pregnancy test around April 16th.

So, here we are the night before transfer.  Dr. Doherty is calling us early to discuss how many to transfer. I think it will be two like we discussed when we started this journey back in October.

Here we go!

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