Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shot 1: Score!

I did it! I injected myself for the first time and I didn't die!  Okay so that is a little over dramatic but I did get extremely dizzy, queezy and pale as my brother watched me jab myself in my pinched belly fat.  I couldn't talk but just breathe while I slowly injected the Menopur.  My first fertility injection on this IVF journey, try 1, cycle 1.

It was very useful to be able to google for Menopur and watch a few videos on youtube before and while doing the loading of the syringe and the injection.  I wasn't sure which needle to use for sure.  It ended up being about 27 g and it was very small.  Luckily.

Now, Sunday I have my first test to check the enlarging follicles and see where our progress is before starting a new drug.  I am so excited.  I did the shot at 9:30am and was so proud of myself.  It took a little while to recover from being lightheaded but proud, I am.

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