Sunday, December 18, 2011

Introduction to Us, the Lucero's and Why We Are Here

Hello! We have decided to keep track of our fertility journey for others and for ourselves.  My name is Rita and I have been with Nathan since the very beginning of 2002.  We married in Omaha Nebraska on April 30, 2005.  We have an amazing relationship and are on the fertility journey.

We finally decided to find out what was 'wrong' when I was being dupped by an impersonator on the internet planning on adopting her child out to Nathan and I.  I took the little bit of anger I had from that and decided to make the step to start fertility treatment.  It had been nearly ten years.  Something had to be wrong.  Right?!

We were told about Dr. Doherty over and over but I just happened to have a first appointment with another doctor.  Well, I ended up being referred to Dr. Maud Doherty afterall and thus brought us to where we are today.  At the start of IVF.

Nathan had a sperm analysis and found out there was azoospermia, absolutely zero sperm in his semen and the volume was very low, as well.  After doing a testicular biopsy as an in office procedure a week ago, we found sperm.  (he lived!) We found out that he was born WITH the stupid CF Gene (cystic fibrosis gene) and no vas deferens which are the tubes that are altered when a vasectomy are performed.  Well, Nate was born with a permanent vasectomy.  To have a child we need sperm retrieval, me to have no CF Gene which we just found out I DO NOT have it (YAY!!) and to utilize IVF per Dr Doherty whom we love and fully trust.  We are honored to have her as our doctor that will make our dreams come true. We just know it! :)

So, today was day 3 so we both went in for blood work, yes on a Sunday.  7am to be exact.  We both were tested for HIV and my hormones were tested.  The hormones were normal and fsh was somewhere within 6.  So that is very good.  I asked this morning what they were looking for and they said that if that number is in the teens it will be that much harder to get pregnant as it indicates how the beginning or during menopause.

Thursday I go in for my sono to evaluate the health of my uterus.  I am waiting until after the 1st of the year for the sounding hsg since it is out of pocket ($375) so I will utilize my flexible spending account I loaded up.  Since I have to travel to 8 cities in 5 weeks for work from Jan to Feb we have to move the actual ivf to mid February.  We have Aetna insurance so we do have $30,000 lifetime fertility coverage.  Hopefully this will go smoothly and we do not even get near that max out.

1 comment:

  1. Are you going through AZOOSPERMIA, LOW SPERM COUNT OR PREMATURE EJACULATION? Contact Dr. Uduehi for a lifetime solution to your problem. I was once a victim of azoospermia which almost ruined my life & marriage for 18 years of childlessness, I used different kinds of medicine it was all to no avail. Until I read from someone who got treated/cured by the doctor, I reached out to him and I was able to impregnate my wife after 18 years of marriage, and am now a father. Your case will be corrected by Dr. Uduehi if interested. Contact: +2347084878384


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