Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Twins- Nearing 9 Months Old

We have relocated our family to Texas. The twins are almost 9 months old, Sebby has 4 teeth and Mila has 2. Seb also learned to clap and wave this week. Mila is scooting all over the place.  They are such happy babies and yes, a handful.

With my mommy makeover, I have slacked compared to what I am capable of, however, I am down 26 pounds. Primarily with eating right, staying active and drinking Shakeology.

More updates coming!

I am seeing a surgeon tomorrow for my cs scar complication. It has been an issue since March and I currently have a couple holes open. It's gross and needs resolved so I can move on already. I am told there is something in there... So, update to come.

Love. Peace. Prosperity.
